Our Process

Our quality assurance process

Quality is an important element of every article we produce. To ensure the accuracy and applicability of the guidance we issue, articles must pass through eight rounds of checking before they get published. This involves members of the Islamic Medical Ethics Council as well as young professionals and students who sit on our peer review panel. Below, an algorithm of the full process is detailed.

Algorithm for MHSN’s Quality Assurance process

Stages 1-2:

Once the author has completed their research, they send their work forward to the editor. Together, they work on the piece to produce a first draft copy (DC1).

Stages 3-6:

A meeting is arranged between the author, editor, a Muslim scholar and an expert in the field, to discuss DC1. Amendments are made, producing a second draft copy (DC2).

Stage 7:

DC2 is forwarded on to two members of our peer review panel. They read and review the document according to a pre-defined protocol. Suggested amendments are made to DC2.

Stage 8:

DC2 is forwarded onto a second independent Muslim scholar. A meeting is arranged for feedback to be given. The article is then amended to a third draft copy (DC3).

Stage 9

Once all members of the review team are happy with the article, it is ready to put forward for publication.